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Seeing Silicon Valley: Life Inside a Fraying America

 Seeing Silicon Valley: Life Inside a Fraying America

With arresting photography and intimate stories, Seeing Silicon Valley makes this hidden world visible. Instead of young entrepreneurs striving for efficiency in minimalist corporate campuses, we see portraits of struggle—families displaced by an impossible real estate market, workers striving for a living wage, and communities harmed by environmental degradation. If the fate of Silicon Valley is the fate of America—as so many of its boosters claim—then this book gives us an unvarnished look into the future.

L’Usage de L’Art

L’Usage de L’Art

Fred Turner nous guide au coeur du festival Burning Man, véritable mythe au sein de la Silicon Valley, puis dans les locaux de Facebook, parmi les plus secrets de la planète. Ses observations nourrissent une analyse sur le nouvel usage de l’art comme outil de management et de création d’une culture d’entreprise.

The Democratic Surround: Multimedia and American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties

The Democratic Surround: Multimedia and American Liberalism from World War II to the Psychedelic Sixties

We commonly think of the psychedelic ’60s as an explosion of creative energy and freedom that arose in direct revolt against the social restraint and authoritarian hierarchy of the early Cold War years. Yet, as Fred Turner reveals in The Democratic Surround, the decades that brought us the Korean War and communist witch hunts also witnessed an extraordinary turn toward explicitly democratic, open, and inclusive ideas of communication and with them new, flexible models of social order. Surprisingly, he shows that it was this turn that brought us the revolutionary multimedia and the wild-eyed individualism of the 1960s counterculture.

From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism

 From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism

In the early 1960s, computers haunted the American imagination. Bleak tools of the cold war, they embodied the rigid organization and mechanical conformity that made the military industrial complex possible. But by the 1990s—and the dawn of the Internet—computers represented a very different kind of world: a collaborative and digital utopia modeled on the communal ideals of the hippies who so vehemently rebelled against the cold war establishment in the first place.

Echoes of Combat:
The Vietnam War in American Memory

 Echoes of Combat: The Vietnam War in American Memory

Between 1959 and 1975, a million and a half Americans saw combat in Vietnam, more than a third of whom developed post-traumatic stress disorder. When these traumatized veterans returned home, they tried to repress the war’s horrific violence, only to see it come alive again in their flashbacks and nightmares. Civilians, too, tried to put the war behind them, but no sooner did America’s leaders declare the Vietnam War a relic of the past than it returned to public consciousness in a long line of novels, memoirs, and films.